Word Salad Answers

Our site is dedicated to solving and commenting the daily puzzles appearing in Word Salad.
Helpful hints will be given along the way to revealing the answers. Any comment you may have please don’t hesitate to comment on our post and start a discussion.

Daily Puzzles

The daily puzzles have their own challenges. Below you have the latest solutions to them.

Themed Puzzles

Word Salad offers themed puzzles as well. We have laid the solutions below.

A few words about Word Salad

Word Salad is a word puzzle game that has gained popularity in the last year. It has both themed puzzles which are available to play instantly without needing to complete any challenge and a daily puzzle.

The Daily Puzzles are very short and you usually need to form 6 to 8 words to complete the challenge.

Learn more about the game here: Mastering Word Salad.
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