Word Salad 365

Word Salad 365 February 28, 2025
We were able to uncover a total of seven answers for Puzzle No. 365 which had these letters: U S N M D E I Y E N L O T W O K.
There five 5-letter words, and two 4-letter words, so you need solve seven words to complete it.
All the words we solved lie below but before them we put some hints which you can reveal by taping the plus (+) sign.

Answer hints may help you figure it out yourself. Go straight to the answers if you ran out of patience.


  • D* * * M 5 letters
    A textile often made of cotton with a distinct diagonal pattern.
  • L* * * N 5 letters
    Thread or cloth made from flax fiber.
  • N* * * N 5 letters
    Originally, the DuPont company trade name for polyamide, a copolymer whose molecules consist of alternating diamine and dicarboxylic acid monomers bonded together; now generically used for this type of polymer.
  • S* * K 4 letters
    A fine fiber excreted by the silkworm or other arthropod (such as a spider).
  • S* * * E 5 letters
    A type of soft leather, made from calfskin, with a brushed texture to resemble fabric, often used to make boots, clothing and fashion accessories.
  • T* * * D 5 letters
    A coarse woolen fabric used for clothing.
  • W* * L 4 letters
    The hair of the sheep, llama and some other ruminants.

What are the Word Salad February 28, 2025 solutions?

Below we displayed all of them.

  • SILK
  • WOOL

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