Puzzles and Brain Health

For a very long time, puzzles have been one of the only ways of entertainment family members or friends could engage in. Having no tv, no bars, clubs or tournaments it was obvious that puzzles were the only thing people could get fun out of. One of the oldest puzzles were word-riddles but some suggest ancient greeks and egyptians used maze drawings or labyrinths as a form of entertainment. Much later puzzles like the classic jigsaw or Sudoku number grid became popular. Classic or not the puzzles and the challenge they presented were satisfying brain teasers and often offered a sense of accomplishment to the winner.

Benefits for Brain Health

Beyond being an entertaining activity, studies, for some time have been evidencing the positive impact that puzzles have on ones cognitive health as long as it’s done in moderation and hasn’t turned into a mindless addiction.

You can think of the brain as a muscle, as such, it needs stimulation and exercise to remain in a good state and not shrink. Puzzle solving is no different than problem solving, and it is known that such activities provide mental stimulus that proves to boos cognitive abilities. It may also be able to maintain a healthy brain and delay or possibly avoid dementia later in life. If you constantly give your brain a work out, improve concentration, memory there is a great chance that you will not suffer from any decline.

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