Word Salad 379

Word Salad 379 March 14, 2025
We were able to uncover a total of six answers for Puzzle No. 379 which had these letters: S B K Z T R N Z I O A E G J L D.
There two 6-letter words, three 4-letter words, and one 5-letter words, so you need solve six words to complete it.
All the words we solved lie below but before them we put some hints which you can reveal by taping the plus (+) sign.

Answer hints may help you figure it out yourself. Go straight to the answers if you ran out of patience.


  • B* * * * E 6 letters
    A naturally occurring or man-made alloy of copper, usually in combination with tin, but also with one or more other metals.
  • D* * K 4 letters
    Having an absolute or (more often) relative lack of light.
  • G* * * * N 6 letters
    Kyphosus vaigiensis, a fish found in southeast Asia.
  • I* * N 4 letters
    A common, inexpensive metal, silvery grey when untarnished, that rusts, is attracted by magnets, and is used in making steel.
  • J* * Z 4 letters
    A musical art form rooted in West African cultural and musical expression and in the African American blues tradition, with diverse influences over time, commonly characterized by blue notes, syncopation, swing, call and response, polyrhythms and improvisation.
  • S* * * E 5 letters
    A hard earthen substance that can form large rocks.

What are the Word Salad March 14, 2025 solutions?

Below we displayed all of them.

  • DARK
  • IRON
  • JAZZ

What words did you form?

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