Buzzfeed Games Overview

If you ever wondered what BuzzFeed quizzes would like as a video game then perhaps bright side riddles and puzzles wold be not too far short from the mark. In bright side riddles and puzzles you’re playing various different video quizzes that are narrated by a narrator that gets that they’re doing the same thing over again and leans into it for a joke, but presents you a one to four player multiple choice quiz format. Each video ranges from 8 to about 13 minute in length and can see it in the menu you and judge your time accordingly so that you can then see who scores the most points.

The quizzes range from a who is lying to who’s the person that’s most likely to survive
who’s most stupid
who’s the richest family
who’s the poorest family spotting the odd one out things like that.

They’re very simple to understand what it is that you’re meant to do, but sometimes some of the quiz questions are up for debate so some of them require like real world logic such. As which of these supposedly deadly animals would you rather sit in a room with and it would turn out that one of them actually isn’t bothered about humans and you just need to know that in order to get the right answers to survive. Other ones are things like observational quizzes because this is all in a video format, so it’ll be like someone stole your wedding ring and them you’ll be able to spot that one of the people that you’re being that you’re being that you’re accusing has gloves on so that’s kind of going to push you for your options there.

Other are a bit more subjective where someone’s put on supposed logic into a question to give them the answers. And so you’d kind of go okay, or it might be trying to spot something where the buildup to the question actually informs the answer. So an example of this would be you’re trapped inside an ice castle and you’ve got three deadly exits to het out of and one of them is a water ih like River full of piranhas. But then because you’re in an ice castle the outside will be icy too so you can just step on the ice and get out, and it’s those kind of things that trip you up and then you make the wrong answer and then you’re thinking: What uh and some things are a little bit confusing from that perspective.

It’s about paying attention visually and audibly to what the Preamble is quite often before you then make your choice. The choices get quicker and quicker in some quizzes um it’s very easy if you’ve plugged in your own controllers for each person to very quickly just press up down left or right todo their own thing. There are some questions, where actually choosing nothing is the right answer and that frows you off because you always feel like you’re being forced into a choice. And yeah it’s an interesting concept I think it leans into the fact that it repeats and recycles the same thing over an over again and the narrator kind of makes a joke of it, and when you see this on sale.

I actually think it’s a nice friendly silly bright and uh jovial quiz game to play. Just don’t expect too much replay-ability because the answers obviously will always stay the same.

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