Word Salad 239 October 25, 2024
We were able to uncover a total of six answers for this puzzle which contained these letters: B A H E O S L T C I A I G R D N. All the words we solved lie below.
On today’s puzzle(239) there are one 6-letter words, one 4-letter words, one 7-letter words, one 8-letter words, and two 5-letter words which makes it a total of six answer words that solve the puzzle.
We also have listed each word’s hints to help you figure them out yourself. You can also jump straight to the answers if you ran out of patience.
- B* * * * * T 6 letters
A hard mafic igneous rock of varied mineral content; volcanic in origin, which makes up much of the Earth’s oceanic crust. - C* * * L 4 letters
A black rock formed from prehistoric plant remains, composed largely of carbon and burned as a fuel. - G* * * * * * E 7 letters
A group of igneous and plutonic rocks composed primarily of feldspar and quartz. Usually contains one or more dark minerals, which may be mica, pyroxene, or amphibole. Granite is quarried for building stone, road gravel, decorative stone, and tombstones. Common colors are gray, white, pink, and yellow-brown. - O* * * * * * * N 8 letters
A type of black glass produced by volcanoes. - S* * * * E 5 letters
A shell or husk; a cod or pod. - S* * * * E 5 letters
A fine-grained homogeneous sedimentary rock composed of clay or volcanic ash which has been metamorphosed so that it cleaves easily into thin layers.
What are the Word Salad October 25, 2024 solutions?
Below we displayed all of them.