Word Salad 253 November 8, 2024
We were able to uncover a total of five answers for this puzzle which contained these letters: P I N E L P A I P E U H S O R C. All the words we solved lie below.
Before going to the answer box we advice to take another guess because you may be surprised how words pop up in your head sometimes.
We’d like to give you our initial hints – On today’s puzzle(253) there are two 4-letter words, two 9-letter words, and one 10-letter words which makes it a total of five answer words that solve the puzzle.
We also have listed each word’s hints to help you figure them out yourself. You can also jump straight to the answers if you ran out of patience.
- N* * * L 4 letters
The thin, horny plate at the ends of fingers and toes on humans and some other animals. - P* * * * * * * * E 9 letters
A tropical plant, Ananas comosus, native to South America, having thirty or more long, spined and pointed leaves surrounding a thick stem. - P* * * * * * * * E 9 letters
Any of several rodents of either of the taxonomic families Hystricidae (Old World porcupines) or Erethizontidae (New World porcupines), both from the infraorder Hystricognathi, noted for their sharp spines or quills, which are raised when the animal is attacked or surprised. - R* * * E 4 letters
A shrub of the genus Rosa, with red, pink, white or yellow flowers. - S* * * * * * * * * N 10 letters
Any of many marine echinoderms, of the class Echinoidea, commonly found in shallow water, having a complex chewing structure named Aristotle’s lantern.
What are the Word Salad November 8, 2024 solutions?
Below we displayed all of them.
What words did you form?
Surely there are many other words that you can form from the letters of today's grid. What words were you able to create? Let us know in the comment section below. For valid words that you form you still earn points but it just doesn't happen to be the specific solution the puzzle intends. So if you form a valid word and you still don't solve the word please know this.Read more
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