Word Salad 309 January 3, 2025
We were able to uncover a total of six answers for this puzzle which contained these letters: B M I N Y L A T K E U G C R G S. All the words we solved lie below.
On today’s puzzle(309) there are one 5-letter words, three 4-letter words, one 7-letter words, and one 6-letter words which makes it a total of six answer words that solve the puzzle.
We also have listed each word’s hints to help you figure them out yourself. You can also jump straight to the answers if you ran out of patience.
- C* * * * M 5 letters
The butterfat/milkfat part of milk which rises to the top; this part when separated from the remainder. - E* * * S 4 letters
An approximately spherical or ellipsoidal body produced by birds, reptiles, insects and other animals, housing the embryo during its development. - G* * * * * * N 7 letters
A protein derived through partial hydrolysis of the collagen extracted from animal skin, bones, cartilage, ligaments, etc. - L* * * B 4 letters
A young sheep. - M* * * K 4 letters
A white liquid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals to nourish their young. From certain animals, especially cows, it is also called dairy milk and is a common food for humans as a beverage or used to produce various dairy products such as butter, cheese, and yogurt. - T* * * * * Y 6 letters
The guinea fowl (family Numididae).
What are the Word Salad January 3, 2025 solutions?
Below we displayed all of them.