Word Salad 326

Word Salad 326 January 20, 2025
We were able to uncover a total of eight answers for this puzzle which contained these letters: M O E Y R U A L G W N T H I S S. All the words we solved lie below.

On today’s puzzle(326) there are three 5-letter words, four 4-letter words, and one 7-letter words which makes it a total of eight answer words that solve the puzzle.

We also have listed each word’s hints to help you figure them out yourself. You can also jump straight to the answers if you ran out of patience.



  • G* * * N 5 letters
    A low, mournful sound uttered in pain or grief.
  • G* * * T 5 letters
    A short snorting sound, often to show disapproval, or used as a reply when one is reluctant to speak.
  • H* * S 4 letters
    A sibilant sound, such as that made by a snake or escaping steam; an unvoiced fricative.
  • L* * * H 5 letters
    An expression of mirth particular to the human species; the sound heard in laughing; laughter.
  • M* * N 4 letters
    A low, mournful cry of pain, sorrow or pleasure
  • S* * H 4 letters
    A deep, prolonged audible inhale and exhale of breath; as when fatigued, frustrated, grieved, or relieved; the act of sighing.
  • W* * * * * E 7 letters
    A device designed to be placed in the mouth and blown, or driven by steam or some other mechanism, to make a whistling sound.
  • Y* * N 4 letters
    The action of yawning; opening the mouth widely and taking a long, rather deep breath, often because one is tired or bored.

What are the Word Salad January 20, 2025 solutions?

Below we displayed all of them.

  • HISS
  • MOAN
  • SIGH
  • YAWN

What words did you form?

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