Word Salad 332 January 26, 2025
We were able to uncover a total of seven answers for this puzzle which contained these letters: L L M A W I N P B G R O S H C T. All the words we solved lie below.
On today’s puzzle(332) there are four 5-letter words, two 4-letter words, and one 6-letter words which makes it a total of seven answer words that solve the puzzle.
We also have listed each word’s hints to help you figure them out yourself. You can also jump straight to the answers if you ran out of patience.
- A* * * N 5 letters
An article of clothing worn over the front of the torso and/or legs for protection from spills; also historically worn by Freemasons and as part of women’s fashion. - C* * N 4 letters
The main cereal plant grown for its grain in a given region, such as oats in parts of Scotland and Ireland, and wheat or barley in England and Wales. - G* * * L 5 letters
A grating; a grid of wire or a sheet of material with a pattern of holes or slots, usually used to protect something while allowing the passage of air and liquids. Typical uses: to allow air through a fan while preventing fingers or objects from passing; to allow people to talk to somebody, while preventing attack. - R* * S 4 letters
Any of a series of long curved bones occurring in 12 pairs in humans and other animals and extending from the spine to or toward the sternum - S* * * * P 6 letters
Any of many swimming, often edible crustaceans, chiefly of the infraorder Caridea or the suborder Dendrobranchiata, with slender legs, long whiskers and a long abdomen. - T* * * S 5 letters
An instrument or tool used for picking things up without touching them with the hands or fingers, consisting of two slats or grips hinged at the end or in the middle, and sometimes including a spring to open the grips. - W* * * S 5 letters
An appendage of an animal’s (bird, bat, insect) body that enables it to fly; a similar fin at the side of a ray or similar fish
What are the Word Salad January 26, 2025 solutions?
Below we displayed all of them.