Word Salad 362

Word Salad 362 February 25, 2025
We were able to uncover a total of six answers for Puzzle No. 362 which had these letters: C R K H E A S I B N L S G E E P.
There three 4-letter words, two 5-letter words, and one 6-letter words, so you need solve six words to complete it.
All the words we solved lie below but before them we put some hints which you can reveal by taping the plus (+) sign.

Answer hints may help you figure it out yourself. Go straight to the answers if you ran out of patience.


  • B* * G 4 letters
    A sudden percussive noise.
  • B* * P 4 letters
    The sound produced by the horn of a car, or any similar sound.
  • C* * * H 5 letters
    A sudden, intense, loud sound, as made for example by cymbals.
  • C* * * K 5 letters
    The sound produced by anything that creaks; a creaking.
  • H* * S 4 letters
    A sibilant sound, such as that made by a snake or escaping steam; an unvoiced fricative.
  • S* * * * H 6 letters
    The sound made by an object hitting a liquid.

What are the Word Salad February 25, 2025 solutions?

Below we displayed all of them.

  • BANG
  • BEEP
  • HISS

What words did you form?

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