Tracy Bennett Wordle Editor QA Session

In a recent video in one of the New York Times social media accounts Tracy Bennet  the editor of the famous Wordle game, started answering a few questions from players of the game.

First question

I was crying the other day and started with teary and got it in 1, so solid advice tbh.

Tracy’s response: “Yeah I think the advices she’s referring to is that the first word that you think of  is how you feel and when sometimes you hit it on the first try, so its like a magical word. I love this story I’m gonna keep this one.”-she said after;

Second question

How does somebody become a digital puzzle editor?

Tracy’s response: “First of all just making puzzles. Then submitting them on various publications. Some will get accepted and some will get rejected. I also started in a publication… editing puzzles made by women and not binary constructors at Inkubator. And after a decade of doing that this job (refers to Wordle) became available at The Times. But even then it was kind of lucky that was in line to get a Game. And that is how I did it, I do not know how other people got their jobs(laughs). I think is just working in the field and pursuing your passions”.

Question 3

Aisle is my go-to word!!! eleminates/confirms half the vowels and S which almost always trips me up.

Tracy’s Response: “I think this is great. If you are gonna have that strategy where you use the same word every day that is a great start word and eventually A I S L E will be the word.

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